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Health is defined as a state of complete physical, and mental. and social wellbeing. It is not solely about an absence of disease. Moreover, the ability to lead a healthy economic and Socially productive life. Items falling under “Health”, including doctors, pharmacies, spas, recovery centers, hospitals, rehab facilities, surgical centers, medicine, vitamins, health tips, beauty, …
Marketing includes products, prices, places, and promotions usually referred to as the 4-P’s of marketing. They are the key elements involved in planning and marketing a product or service interacting with each other. Find articles from guest bloggers and businesses promoting products and services.
Find regularly updated websites and web pages, that are written in an informal or conversational style.
Business and economy work together. Businesses offer products and services that generate economic income (gain), by selling goods and services to consumers AND the economy is how we determine the economics for “supply and demand” for those products and/or services.
The Internet is usually referred to as “the Web” or “the Net,”, short for World Wide Web. It is a worldwide system of server and computer networks throughout the world, inter-connected to provide data and information to people. Uses include online stores, physical businesses using for exposure, and communication via things like email, messages, and social …
Travel: Traveling to another city, state, or country to visit. Leisure: The segment of business focused on recreation, entertainment, sports, and tourism. Business travel: Generally, individuals work while traveling to other cities, states, or countries where they need to work away from home. Find: Discounted airfare, hotels, or rentals; Vacation and holiday packages with top-rated …